It is a personal choice whether you give flowers on a first date. It isn’t expected but it can be a pleasant gesture. Keep in mind your date location before you arrive with a huge bunch of flowers only to end up carrying them around all evening. If you like the idea but can’t decide what to do, you could always give a single flower. A single flower is simple yet it shows your thoughtfulness. Also, a single flower is easier to carry around if you are meeting for a drink or meal or perhaps going out for the day.
Some people like flowers, some don’t so don’t assume they are necessary. Some people might feel you want something in return for the flowers, which could cause awkwardness. You could always wait until you know them a little better and find out what flowers they like.
What type of flowers do I give my date?
If you are really unsure what flowers to give your date, you could always go to a florist and ask for advice. Roses are romantic, especially red ones; therefore giving roses on a first date could be too much and scare your date off. If you’re really unsure what flowers to give, then a mixed bunch is the best option.
Regardless of the type of flowers you take, always remember to take the price off.