1. You’ll get through it…
No matter how awful you feel, always remember that those feelings are just temporary and you will get through the difficult time.
2. Be honest…
Be honest to yourself. Don’t pretend your relationship was perfect if deep down you know it wasn’t. Try to see the flaws which will help you get over the relationship.
3. It’s ok to be upset…
Allow yourself to go through the motions of being upset and angry, and as time goes by you will start to feel so much better. Removing any possessions that belong to or remind you of your ex will help. The last thing you want is to see constant reminders of them all about you.
4. Accept it…
Accept the breakup. Once you have accepted it you can move on, but if you don’t then you will be stuck in a bad place for a long time.
5. Don’t overwhelm yourself…
Don’t overwhelm yourself by looking at the big picture. Take one day at a time and focus on the present. Looking too far into the future can delay your acceptance and moving on period.
6. Control yourself…
Be in control of your actions. When you are angry and upset with your ex-partner it is only natural to want to hurt them. Taking action towards them will only make the breakup even harder to deal with and you may do something you will later regret.
7. No going back…
Don’t try to get back together with your ex, or don’t agree to go back to them. You broke up for a reason and that reason will always be there and play on your mind.
8. Stay away…
Stay away from your ex. Don’t try to accidentally bump into them or agree to be just friends. You will only be making it harder for yourself to move on. If it isn’t possible to avoid your ex, especially if children or other commitments are involved, try to keep contact as minimal as possible.
9. No rush…
Don’t rush back into dating. The last thing you want is to enter a rebound relationship. Take time out for yourself and make yourself feel good by freshening up your image, or even go on holiday to gather your thoughts.
10. Stay positive…
Try to stay positive. Although easier said than done, by thinking positive you are more likely to get over the breakup quicker than having a negative outlook.