The following list is the Completely Free Dating top ten flirting tips. For more flirting tips see our articles on flirting tips and flirting indicators.
1. Smile…
Make sure you smile when flirting to show that you are comfortable, friendly and enjoying yourself.
2. Listen…
Listen to what the person you are flirting with is saying and ask questions about what they say.
3. Complement…
Sincerely compliment the person you are flirting with.
4. Talk…
Always talk to the person you are flirting with about something you like and enjoy.
5. Never be negative…
When flirting never be negative. Try not to talk about things you don’t like.
6. Eye-contact…
Make regular eye contact while flirting, but don’t stare.
7. Avoid chat up lines…
Never use corny chat up lines, they don’t work and will make you look like a fool.
8. Uncomfortable…
Try not to fidget or look uncomfortable with flirting.
9. Don’t cross your arms…
Don’t cross your arms across your chest as it will appear defensive, which is not good when flirting.
10. Emm…. huh…
Try not to use ‘emm’ or ‘huh’ as sounds like these will make you sound nervous when flirting.